Footsteps and Happiness


Hello! ^_^ Greetings!
Welcome to my site. Call me Aki.
I hope you'll enjoy reading my entries as I enjoyed typing them down.

Let me share a part of myself as I come to recognize God's gifts and blessings.

For the gift of life and creation, follow me in my travels, For the gift of music, listen to the sounds I love.

Although everyday may not always be happy one and I know that there are difficult obstacles that I must face. Let me reflect and express my thoughts and feelings in this journey called LIFE.

We are blessed!


La la la la la....

Music to my ears. Every note is special. Every melody and lyrics tell different stories, voice out different emotions. Every song is true.

One of God's wonderful blessing is the gift of music.
When you are blessed, you do not ask why.

Just sing!

My interest in music would never fade.
For updates, facts, my thoughts and ideas in the musical world.
Click on Lyrics and Music

At the moment...
I am so much in love with Charice! I am a proud Filipina! I just ordered her album online and I can't wait to play all her songs. I will follow her here in the U.S. I just wish she would have a concert or just maybe a mini show. I hope I could get to meet her soon. I love you, Charice. It's her single Pyramid in acoustic version. The original features IYAZ who was also discovered by youtube.
Come and explore with me as I reminisce my past travel experiences and the future travel plans I have in mind. I've been traveling in and out of the country since I was two years old and I feel blessed to be able to experience new things each and every time. It has been my dream to travel around the world and hopefully I can let you in and see the world as I see it. Join me as I mark all the places listed in my checklist! ^_^

Visit Aki's Travel Blog!
I am looking forward for a wonderful and exciting day ahead of me.
We'll never know where my little feet would lead me the next day.

For my personal blogs, click onJUST ME!
Also visit my Multiply Sitefor past blog entries. Discover the silliness, impulsiveness and  Japanese fan girl-ism!! (*V*)

Once in while I'll be posting new clips here at the Featured Video section. You'll know what, who, where I'm gaga over with at the moment and hope you enjoy watching it too.